Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Luella Frizelle--Our New Biddy Buddy

How in the world did I meet Luella Frizelle? When I received this puppet in a new order batch, I thought her a funky, confused, and oh-so-sweet biddy. Her neck moves wonderfully, and she can high-five! How cool is that?

So, I decided to try Luella in storytime as a stretcher between books and before "Shake Our Sillies Out." It was a fun and easy activity.


No props needed.

I introduced Luella Frizelle and explained that she and I had been practicing a song all week long to sing in storytime. I asked the children what sound a chicken makes, and they happily imitated their best chicken clucks. I explained that Luella knew that when I tapped her she was supposed to cluck. So we tried it: I tapped her and she clucked. Easy.

I began the song, "When Chickens Get Up in the Morning," and when I tapped her, she mooed! So I had to interrupt the song and remind Luella that chickens do not moo. The children laughed and I asked them again what kind of sound a chicken makes. "Cluck!" They all shouted. So we tried again . . . and again, Luella mooed!

I asked the children to help me sing the song, very loud, and cluck so that maybe Luella would remember what she was supposed to say. They did--it worked!

I'm going to try this stretcher for a while, using a different animal sound each week and see how it goes.

Wow, I like this chicken!

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